Aim and Scope

The Emerging Medical Science is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, dedicated to publishing high-quality articles covering a wide spectrum of topics in medical and healthcare research. As a non-profit publication, it aims to advance the understanding and practice of medical science by offering a platform for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals to share their findings and innovations.

As a multidisciplinary journal, we cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, surgery, radiology, oncology, and more. Our articles are peer-reviewed and our editorial team is composed of experts in the field to ensure that the highest standards of scientific rigor and accuracy are met.

Conflict of Interest

All authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to their submission or participation in the review process. Conflicts of interest may include financial, professional, or personal relationships that could influence the outcome of the work.

Open Access Policy

The Emerging Medical Science Journal is committed to an Open Access publishing model, ensuring that all articles are freely accessible to the public. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), our policy allows for unrestricted use and distribution with appropriate attribution to the authors.  Authors retain copyright of their work, and  Article Processing Charges (APCs) incurred support the journal's operations while maintaining rigorous peer review and publication standards.

Copyright and Licensing

When submitting an article, authors are required to agree to an open access Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) license. This license allows authors to retain copyright of their work while granting users the right to download, print, reuse, share, and distribute the article, provided that proper credit is given to the authors and the original source. This ensures maximum visibility and availability of the article, allowing it to be included in scientific archives. Consistent with open access principles, the journal makes all article abstracts and full-text PDFs freely accessible to the public upon publication.

Digital archiving policy

This journal utilizes the PKP Preservation Network, Global LOCKSS Network, and Portico to establish a distributed archiving system across participating libraries. These networks enable libraries to maintain permanent archives of the journal, ensuring its long-term preservation and restoration capabilities.

Plagiarism policy

The Emerging Medical Science is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and academic ethics. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism in all its forms. All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using advanced detection tools (iThenticate). Any form of plagiarism, including direct copying, paraphrasing without proper attribution, or self-plagiarism, is prohibited. If detected before publication, the manuscript will be rejected. If discovered after publication, the journal will retract or correct the article and notify readers of the misconduct. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is original, properly cited, and does not infringe on the intellectual property of others.

Publishing Ethics

When submitting studies involving human participants, authors must follow ICMJE recommendations on privacy and informed consent. Identifiable patient data such as descriptions, photos, or genetic information can only be published with written informed consent, which requires showing the patient the manuscript prior to publication. If the patient is deceased, consent must be obtained from the family or estate. Authors must secure this consent and keep records but do not need to submit them to the journal. Consent should specify that the manuscript may be published online, in print, and shared via social media.

For animal studies, authors must confirm that the animals were cared for according to institutional or national standards. All experiments should comply with relevant guidelines, and procedures must minimize harm to the animals, with anesthetics and analgesics clearly described.

Approval from an ethics committee is required for all clinical and animal studies. Researchers are encouraged to register clinical trials in public databases, such as, with the trial number and detailed methods included in the manuscript.




Emerging Medical Science

Full title: Emerging Medical Science

ISSN: 1694-4658 (online)

Publisher: Emerging Publishing Society