Identıfıcatıon of Determınants Causes of Stuntıng from Famıly Factors in Banteran Vıllage Sumbang Dıstrıct Central Java 2023

Stunted; factors; family; Banteran Village


Vol. 3 No. 07 (2024)
Original Article
July 23, 2024


Background: Stunted is a condition when children under the age of five do not experience body development due to chronic malnutrition since pregnancy. There are factors that can cause stunting, and risk factors for stunting differ in each region. This research aims to determine family factors related to the incidence of child stunting in Banteran Village, Sumbang District, Central Java. Methods: This research is descriptive. Primary data was obtained through interviews with 10 families with stunted children through questionnaires and KIA books, while secondary data was obtained from village midwives. Results: Based on determinants factors the mothers was found with low education level  (<Junior High School), hight: <150 cm, occupation status not working and the number of family members was more than four people. Based on the determinant factors the fathers were working with low income, and low education level (<junior high school). Based on the characteristics of the toddler, majority were male, with low category, and has a history of diarrhea. There are determinant factors for clean and healthy living behavior that influence the occurrence of stunting in the family. Conclusion: There are family factors that can influence the occurrence of stunting in children.